Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kenny our 1st orphan

It makes me so happy to look at this picture I have tears in my eyes. We walked to the doctor holding hands, what a joy that was! He found my Tic Tacs in my bag while we were waiting to see Dr. Just like home and having Brandon with me, if there is candy he’ll find it.
I took 7 year old Kenny Kuanda to the doctor this morning. He had a big raw spot on his neck. They checked him over and said he had a fungus. They shaved his hair off the spot, washed it and put a cream on. He needs to wash and apply the cream 2xs a day. We also just found out he is HIV positive. We have medicine for that also. I heard the government provides that medicine for free so in the future we won’t have to pay for it. Today’s expenses were 13,860 Kmw. I’m pretty sure that is about $52.00.  Everyone made a big fuss about how much it cost and said they did a whole bunch of tests because I was with him, white lady has money. Pretty funny since I couldn’t pay the entire bill, I still owe them 3,860 Kmw. Samuel is saying don’t pay them the rest but I can’t do that, I signed my name I’ll pay the bill. Kenny was tested for a lot more things and I’m glad they did, it’s nice to know what kind of health he is in. He weighs 18kg and is 7 years old. Grammy weighs 60kg. I’ve lost a little weight but am happy to lose a few pounds.
Our widow’s full name is Maria Tembo. She couldn’t find enough words to thank us for taking care of Kenny, I finally told her to thank God because He is the one that has sent us to help. Maria is 55 yrs old. She had 3 or 4 miscarriages when she was 1st married. After her husband died she starting taking care of sick people and then raising their children after they died. Maria will need to be tested for HIV also because of all the people she has taken care of including Kenny. Maria has been going to a Baptist church but will join Church on the Wings this Sunday. She was treasurer at her current church and has taught that job to someone else before she left. She doesn’t speak English, we will need to work on that because all the children need English and she will be Mom. They can help each other.


  1. Kenny is absolutely adorable!! I love how big your smile is in this picture. You can tell you are doing exactly what you were created to do, and the joy it brings. We miss you lots here, but your emails and posts to your blog are something I look forward to...you make me feel like I am almost there with you. Someday...: )
