Tuesday, November 6, 2012


While out visiting a 120 year old lady we found puppies and Florence bought one. Her name is Lynn, that's prounced Rynn in Mzuzu. SHe will staying at Samuel's house becuase they eventually want puppies.

This is Agnes or Gogo ( means grandparent) she was alive during World War 1, whoa. As near as they can figure she is 120, they figured this out by what she remembers from childhood. She can still walk and see. When I asked to take her picture she got up and took her jacket off so she would look nice. The village where she is has been her home always. She wouldn't leave to live with her daughter so her grandchildren are watching over her but she still has her own house. They did update it for her from a thatched house to brick after she was biten by a snake and almost died.

Moses is nagging me for more homework to do so I better go for now and write out more math problems for him.  Be blessed.

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